Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Naturelgaz adopts a sensitive approach with the awareness that occupational health and safety is indispensable for the industry. Our goal is to carry out our activities without harming people and the environment and without causing any accidents. Occupational safety is always a priority for our company, it is our lifestyle, not a slogan.

  • A quality workspace is created by taking all safety precautions in our head office, filling plants, equipment, and customer fields.
  • Priority is given to development by listening to our customers, employees, neighbors, relevant non-governmental organizations, and those working with us.
  • Our performance values are clearly reported regardless of whether they are good or bad, thus raising our safe working target bar even higher.
  • Our HSSE unit visits our plants and customer service areas on occupational health and safety issues, and by determining possible risks in advance, preliminary precautions are taken against risks.
  • HSSE training programs are organized for all our employees in the operation, especially our drivers and filling operators. Trainings are repeated periodically, and awareness is raised. We make preliminary preparations to identify problems by performing root cause analysis with our trained and industry-specialized staff. With our suggestion and near miss notification systems, we ensure that the entire team is involved in these efforts.
  • Our logistics and filling activities are carried out in accordance with legal regulations and in a controlled manner. Our Plant Support Personnel are given complete vocational qualification training. Our Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors in our organization monitor and report that the provisions of ADR are complied with. ADR Awareness Training and Advanced Driving Techniques Training are given to our drivers on a regular basis.
  • The contracts we have made with the contractor companies we work with are made within the framework of the obligation to comply with our HSSE Policy.
  • Our installations at the plants and customer sites are inspected and maintained by our technical team, and every stage that may cause an accident and damage the environment is evaluated and improvements are made.
  • We are in communication with the entire team through our Suggestion and Near Miss Notification systems, and the suggestions are considered and answered. Awareness is created by recognizing and promoting our employees who contribute to improvements in HSSE performance through the award program.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

